Departure formalities
Before moving from the Faroe Islands, there are several formalities and arrangements that you need to deal with.

Report your departure
You have to report your departure to the National Registration Office (Landsfólkayvirlitið) if you move from the Faroe Islands.
When moving abroad for less than six months, the registered address in the Faroe Islands can be retained unless you sublet or hire out your residence while you are gone.
You can report your departure at the online self-service Vangin.

Keep your account
It is possible to keep your Faroese bank account and internet bank after leaving the Faroe Islands. It is important to keep the bank account open for approximately one year in case you receive reimbursements for e.g. taxes or deregistration fees.
Mortgage loans in the bank can be kept as long as the debts are paid. If you sell your house, the loan must be paid back.
Car loans in the bank must be paid back when the car is deregistered.

Inform the Tax Office
You will receive a pre-completed tax statement which contains an overview of your income and deductions in March after having left the Faroe Islands. If the pre-completed statement is incorrect, you will have to submit a tax return containing the correct information.
Excess tax, if any, will be paid out to your Faroese bank account.
It is important that you inform the Faroese Tax Office if you change your address after having left the Faroe Islands.
Holiday allowance

Unused holidays paid out
Employees with an employment contract will get unused holidays paid out as salary when they leave their job.
Hourly-paid employees get 12 percent of their wages earned from April 1st to March 31st paid out as holiday pay on May 2nd.
Overtime work is paid by the hour, and employees with a fixed salary will have holiday pay for overtime work paid out on May 2nd.
Foreigners who have holiday pay due must keep their Faroese bank account until they have received their pay.
Car deregistration

Deregister the car
If you want to take your Faroese registered car with you when you leave the Faroe Islands, you will have to deregister it.
When deregistering the car, you are entitled to a refund on part of the paid registration duty. The amount will be transferred to your Faroese bank.
Unemployment insurance

Certificate from Unemployment Scheme
Nordic citizens who are moving from the Faroe Islands to another Nordic country may have their membership of the Faroese Unemployment Scheme transferred to an unemployment scheme in the country they are moving to.
In order to get transferred to an unemployment scheme in another Nordic country, you will have to obtain a certificate from the Faroese Unemployment Scheme proving your membership three weeks before you leave. The certificate and pay slips from your employer must be handed over to the unemployment scheme in the country you are moving to within eight weeks after your membership of the Faroese Unemployment Scheme has expired.
In order to get unemployment benefit in the country you are moving to, you must be able to document that you have been employed for a certain period of time. The length of the period varies from country to country.
Parental leave

Inform Parental Leave Fund
The Parental Leave Fund has to be informed if you move abroad while receiving parental benefits.
If you move from the Faroes Islands to another nordic country after your application for benefits from the Parental Leave Fund has been approved, you may continue to receive the allowance provided the original conditions are still met.
f you move outside the Nordic countries, you lose the right to allowance from the Parental Leave Fund.