Welcome to EURAXESS Faroe Islands!
EURAXESS Faroe Islands provides information and assistance for mobile researchers – by means of this portal and with the support of our EURAXESS Centres.
The portal contains information concerning professional and daily life as well as information on job and funding opportunities in the Faroe Islands.
Faroese researchers planning to continue their research career abroad can also find useful information and assistance in this portal and in the portals of the countries they consider moving to.
Research institutes, universities and businesses can post job offers and researchers can upload CV´s when registering a user account.
All services of the EURAXESS network are free of charge.

"Faroese salmon farmers are the best in the world when it comes to producing large smolt and reusing water which is my field of research. I had not expected that such a small country could be so advanced."
Dhiraj Krishna, PhD Student, Microbiology (India)
"A lot of things are much simpler here, particularly in terms of administration and bureaucracy. The connectivity and integration between research institutes is very high - it is almost like the whole country is one super-institute."
Ian Salter, PhD, Chemical Oceanography (UK)
“There is a lot of freedom to come up with a new idea and try it out here. It is harder and more risky because you don´t have the same level of support as you would find at large institutions but it is fulfilling and you have a closer contact to people.”
Amanda Vang, PhD, Biomedical Science (USA)
"The career perspectives in the Faroe Islands are very good. There are very few researchers in my field with my research experience and achievements, and it took me only one year to advance to Full Professor."
Qin Xin, Professor, Computer Science (China)
"The Faroe Islands are a natural place for research in my special research field which is wind energy."
Hans-Georg Beyer, Professor, Energy Engineering (Germany)